Dr. Ronald S. Gamble, Jr is an enthusiastic Afro-Latino Theoretical Astrophysicist, STEM Educator, Science Communicator, and Visual Artist who actively studies the mysteries of the universe at the intersection of art and science.
(I’m also a practitioner of Jedi mind tricks…)
Science Communicator,
Current Appointment:
CRESST-II Visiting Assistant Research Scientist & Cosmic Origins Scientist
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / University of Maryland—College Park / Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science & Technology II
Dr. Ronald Gamble, Jr.

“The things you can do effortlessly are often times tied to what you’re most passionate about”
“Supermassive Energy Blast: Why Do Black Holes Shine?”
Astronomy on Tap: All-Stars Krew
New Orleans | January 2024

scientific Research
Artistic adventures
speaking engagements

SparkCON Arts Festival 2018; Street Art: “Vemon vs Spider-man”

The Art
of Theory
I blend fine art and fashion with the fascinating world of science. Check out my shop!
One of the most amazing things about working in physics is that you get to observe the unique and fascinating phenomena that creates our reality. That in and of itself is the reason why the abstractness of theoretical physics is a dreamscape.
Photo: Frame capture of the 3D model of the accretion disk, ergosphere, and relativistic jet of active galaxy Messier 87 (M87).
Title: “Spin Tetrad Formalism Of Circular Polarization States In Relativistic Jets”